Pursuant to section 97 of the Local Government Act, the Chief Election Officer for the City of Enderby declares the following nominees as candidates for elected office:
The Enderby All-Candidates Forum for the upcoming local election will be on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. It will be located at the Enderby Seniors Centre at 1101 George Street.
The 2019 Annual Report for the City of Enderby is now available for public inspection. Only written questions and submissions from the public will be accepted and must be received at City Hall prior to 3:30pm on Monday, August 17, … Read the rest “City of Enderby 2019 Annual Report”
The City of Enderby desires to form a municipal corporation for
the purposes of economic development, including developing non-tax revenue
streams and developing affordable and attainable housing.