Curbside collection of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur Sunday, April 27, 2025.
Unacceptable materials or materials that are not prepared properly will not be picked up.
All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the previous … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Collection 2025”
Curbside collection of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur Sunday, April 21, 2024.
Unacceptable materials or materials that are not prepared properly will not be picked up.
All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the previous … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Collection 2024”
Please be advised of the following schedules for solid waste (garbage and recycling) collection over the 2023 holidays.
Garbage collection will occur on its regularly scheduled day of Tuesday, December 26, 2023.
Recycling collection will occur on a different day … Read the rest “Waste Collection Over The Holidays 2023”
Did you know that the City of Enderby is located in a wildlife interface area? In these areas, wildlife is at risk of being habituated to unnatural food sources such as residential garbage and fruit from fruit trees, which often … Read the rest “Wildlife Attractants”
Curbside collection of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur starting Sunday, April 23, 2023.
Unacceptable materials or materials that are not prepared properly will not be picked up.
All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Collection 2023”
Curbside collection of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur starting Sunday, April 10, 2022.
Unacceptable materials or materials that are not prepared properly will not be picked up.
All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Collection 2022”
The Our Enderby Clean-Up Challenge is back with a self-guided format this year, which will enable residents to clean-up and beautify areas throughout the community while maintaining social distancing.
The Clean-Up Challenge will take place on Saturday May 29, 2021 … Read the rest “Eighth Annual Our Enderby Clean-Up Challenge”
Curbside pick-up of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur starting Sunday, April 18, 2021.
Unacceptable materials or materials that are not prepared properly will not be picked up.
All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Pick-Up for 2021”
Curbside pick-up of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur starting Sunday, April 19, 2020.
Materials which are not prepared properly will not be picked up.
All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the end … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Pick-Up for 2020”
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