City of Enderby, in conjunction with its garbage collection contractor, Tip-It
Waste Solutions, is making changes to improve its garbage collection service
that will improve efficiency and remove animal attractants from curbside that
much faster.
The City of Enderby is challenging its
residents to join in the 7th Annual Our Enderby Clean-Up Challenge. Enderby residents can show their civic pride
by helping to clean-up and beautify areas throughout the community. Participants are encouraged to gather … Read the rest “Seventh Annual Our Enderby Clean-Up Challenge”
Curbside pick-up of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur starting Sunday, April 22, 2018. All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the end of the day on Saturday, April 21, 2018. The Enderby & … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Pick-Up for 2018”
Curbside pick-up of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur starting Sunday, April 23, 2017. All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the end of the day on Saturday, April 22, 2017. The Enderby & … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Pick-Up for 2017”
Use this form to report known or suspected illegal dumping within the City of Enderby. Illegal dumping involves the deposit of off-site refuse in a public space, such as a park or road boulevard. It is distinguished from littering by … Read the rest “Report Illegal Dumping”
Curbside pick-up of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur starting Sunday, April 17, 2016. All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the end of the day on Saturday, April 16, 2016. The Enderby & … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Pick-Up for 2016”
Curbside pick-up of residential spring pruning and bagged organics will occur starting April 18, 2015. All bags and pruning bundles should be left at curbside by the end of the day on Friday, April 17, 2015. The Enderby & District … Read the rest “Residential Spring Pruning Curbside Pick-Up for 2015”