The City of Enderby Water and Sprinkling Bylaw restricts sprinkling from May 1 to October 1 of every year. This helps to decrease over-watering, water waste, and the related impact upon public infrastructure.
Summer is going to be back big-time this year, and what better way to enjoy it than with the great programs and activities detailed in our Summer 2022 Recreation Guide?
Weather permitting, street sweeping in the City of Enderby will occur on Friday, April 15, 2022, with a pre-sweep of Highway 97A (George Street) on Saturday, April 9, 2022.
The City of Enderby is challenging its residents to join in the 9th Annual Our Enderby Clean-Up Challenge. Enderby residents can show their civic pride by helping to clean-up and beautify areas throughout the community. Participants are encouraged to gather … Read the rest “Ninth Annual Our Enderby Clean-Up Challenge”