Tag Archives: Residents

2014 Local Government Election Declaration of Official Election Results

The Chief Election Officer for the City of Enderby has declared the official election results for the general local election as follows:


McCune, Greg


Davyduke, Roxanne Case, Brad Shishido, Shawn Knust, Raquel Baird, Tundra Schreiner, Brian   The determination of official election results occurred on November 18, 2014 pursuant to Section 135(8) of the Local Government Act.  The declaration of official election results occurred … Continue Reading ››

2014 Local Government Election Preliminary Election Results

The preliminary election results for the City of Enderby 2014 election are as follows: Estimated Eligible Voters: 2393 Total Number of Votes Cast: 930

For the office of Mayor (1)

McCune, Greg - 568 votes - ELECTED Cyr, Howie - 356 votes

For the office of Councillor (6)

Davyduke, Roxanne - 681 votes - ELECTED Case, Brad - 617 votes - ELECTED Shishido, Shawn - … Continue Reading ››

2014 Local Government Election Declaration of Election By Voting

I, Tate Bengtson, Chief Election Officer for the City of Enderby, do hereby declare, pursuant to Section 76 of the Local Government Act, that an election by voting is to be held for the following offices:

Office of Mayor – one to be elected.

The candidates for the office of Mayor are:
CYR, Howie8 Preston Crescent, Enderby BC
McCUNE, … Continue Reading ››

2014 Enderby Local Government Election

The general local election was held on November 15, 2014. The poll station was the Enderby Seniors Centre at 1101 George Street in Enderby. Polls were open from 8am to 8pm.

Advance voting for the general location election was held on November 5, 2014. The poll station was Enderby City Hall at 619 Cliff Avenue in Enderby. Polls were open from … Continue Reading ››