The City of Enderby drinking water system has returned to its normal state, with both sources now operating. The inspection and repair of the transfer well problem was successful.
The City of Enderby is closely monitoring the White Rock Lake wildfire west and southwest of the City. Our sympathy goes out to those who have been affected by wildfires throughout the Province.
Our sympathies go out to those impacted by the wildfires afflicting our Province. Our thanks go out to those who are responding, as well as those who are supporting victims and responders.
Did you know that rats can produce as many as 7 litters per year, which means up to 84 offspring? When you consider that a single rat can deposit 30 to 180 droppings per day, that’s a great reason all … Read the rest “Rat Control”
The City is seeking proposals from a qualified consultant to perform a condition assessment on the Enderby Arena and Curling Rink, along with other related tasks. The facility requires electrical, mechanical and structural assessments to assist in managing the lifecycle … Read the rest “Request for Proposals – Arena Condition Assessment”
The City of Enderby is implementing a campfire ban effective 12pm on Wednesday, June 30, 2021. This ban supplements the prior prohibition that took effect on June 11, 2021, and now includes:
During a heat wave, residents, visitors, and workers should take extra precautions to protect themselves.
Heat can have a significant impact on human health, ranging from dehydration, heat cramps and exhaustion through to life-threatening heat stroke. Mental, behavioral, and cognitive … Read the rest “12 Tips to Stay Safe During a Heat Wave”