The City of Enderby is pleased to collaborate with local artist Braden Kiefiuk, of Majestic Metal Art, to present one of his most recent works of art, a giant deer sculpture. Braden is an accomplished metal sculptor. He began to … Read the rest “Enderby Presents Majestic Metal Art Deer Sculpture”
The 2014 edition of the Exploring Enderby visitors guide is now available! Inside, you can learn about how to experience Splatsin culture, hike natural trails, play golf, take in a movie at the Starlight Drive-In Theatre, enjoy local art, and … Read the rest “Exploring Enderby 2014 Visitors Guide Released”
The City of Enderby has recently installed two bottle/can recycling receptacles in town, one along the Breezeway on Cliff Avenue and the one in the parking lot behind the Enderby & District Chamber of Commerce.
Enderby is thrilled to welcome the BC Open Gold Panning Championships to our community. The Championship was sponsored by the Vernon Placer Mining Club. It occurred on May 16-18, 2014.