The City of Enderby provides various forms of emergency management and protective services to Enderby, including the Enderby & District Fire Department and Emergency Management.
Fire Department
The City of Enderby has a volunteer (paid-on-call) fire department that serves Enderby, part of rural Enderby (the Shuswap River Fire Protection District), and Splatsin. The Fire Hall is located at 1500 Evergreen Street in Enderby. The Fire Chief is Richard Bastiaansen and the Deputy Chief is Billy Doorn.
Volunteer Application Form
If you are interested in serving your community by becoming a volunteer firefighter, be sure to submit an application!
Pre-Incident Plans
If you own or occupy a complex building (any building other than a single family residence or ancillary structure such as a shed), you need to submit a Pre-Incident Plan. The Fire Department will only provide internal fire suppression on simple buildings and those complex buildings for which a Pre-Incident Plan has been accepted.
Open Burning and Campfire Regulations
The City of Enderby Good Neighbour Bylaw provides regulations for campfires and outdoor fireplaces which must be followed if you live within the City. The City also has a permit system for all open burning. For more information, please review the City of Enderby’s Open Burning and Campfire Regulations
Emergency Management
The City of Enderby delivers emergency management during major incidents. This may include Emergency Operations Centre activation, emergency social services (delivered under contract with Red Cross), evacuations, and coordination of resources and agencies involved in response and recovery.
For information on current emergencies, please visit this page.
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