The City’s Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining the City’s roads, as well as operating the water, wastewater, and stormwater utilities.
Drinking Water
The City of Enderby drinking water system relies upon a surface water intake (primary source) and a well (secondary source), which supplies Enderby as well as some Electoral Area F and Splatsin residents.
Drinking water is subject to a multi-barrier treatment process to ensure it meets Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines.
The City has adopted a Water Conservation and Drought Management Framework. The framework helps protect our watershed during drought and ensures there is water available for essential and emergency needs.
If your water meter is showing a continuous or intermittent leak, or you have received a notice to that effect, be sure to review our Water Leaks page for information about what this means and the steps that you can take to investigate and fix the problem.
Water and Sprinkling Regulation Bylaw (consolidated)
The City of Enderby has a wastewater treatment facility that receives waste from the sanitary sewer system. This waste is treated and split into three substances: waste that is hauled to landfill, waste compost that is used for agricultural purposes, and water that is suitable for discharge to the receiving environment. Waste compost is regulated under the Organic Matter Recycling Regulation and water discharged to the receiving environment is subject to a permit issued by the Ministry of Environment.
Sanitary Sewer Regulation Bylaw (consolidated)
Snow and Ice Removal
In the case of a snowfall of 5 centimeters of snow or more, snow clearing will commence in accordance with the below priorities.
Ice control will be carried out on hills when the weather forecast is between -3o and +1o Celsius and predicts between 1 and 3 centimeters of snowfall, provided the roads are currently bare, in accordance with the priorities.
The priorities reflect public safety considerations.