We’re excited to announce that Radon test reports have been sent out to participants of the Enderby 100 Radon Test Kit Challenge!
Haven’t Received Your Report Yet?
Please check your spam folder if you do not see your report in your inbox.
If you haven’t received it, please reach out to Take Action on Radon via the contact form linked below.
Need Help Understanding Your Report?

For more information, please visit one of the helpful links below:
How to Interpret Radon Test Results
Financial Support for Radon Mitigation
If your report indicates that mitigation is needed and cost is a concern, the Canadian Lung Association offers a radon mitigation grant of up to $1500. This grant is available to homeowners who meet the eligibility criteria.
For more details and to apply for the grant, please visit: https://www.lung.ca/lungs-matter-radon-mitigation-support
Radon and Radon Test Kit Background Information
The Radon Test Kits collect background radon levels inside of households over a four-month period and are then returned so that levels can be analysed.
After the detectors are analyzed, each participant will privately receive a report with their own results. A summary of the community data without specific participant details will be made available to help inform others.
The kits provide valuable information to local residents about radon levels in their households so that they can make informed decisions on next steps to protect themselves and their families.
Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and can be found in elevated concentrations in homes across the country, including the North Okanagan. Take Action on Radon is a national initiative funded by Health Canada that is led by the Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists and the Canadian Cancer Society.