Wildlife Attractants

Did you know that the City of Enderby is located in a wildlife interface area?  In these areas, wildlife is at risk of being habituated to unnatural food sources such as residential garbage and fruit from fruit trees, which often leads to the wildlife losing their fear of humans and becoming dangerous, at which point they must be euthanized.

To help prevent this, the City of Enderby has adopted Wildlife Attractant Bylaw No. 1754, 2022 which requires property owners to properly manage wildlife attractants on their properties.  Pursuant to the City’s Wildlife Attractant Bylaw, here are 10 things you can do to help us to co-exist and prevent conflict with wildlife who inhabit the area:

  1. Store your garbage indoors or otherwise in durable, rigid receptacles that are fitted with covers that are inaccessible to wildlife.
  2. Do not place your garbage at curbside earlier than 4:00 am on the day of collection.
  3. Do not feed or attempt to feed wildlife such as deer or bear.
  4. Keep the exterior of your property clear of any food products or food containers, and ensure your compost is kept and maintained in an enclosed and secure rigid container that is inaccessible to wildlife.
  5. Ensure that any refrigerators or freezers that are stored outdoors are inaccessible to wildlife.
  6. If your pet food is stored outdoors, ensure it is kept in a secure, wildlife-resistant container.
  7. Clean barbecue after use – don’t forget the grease trap!
  8. Remove any fruit from your fruit trees that has fallen to the ground.
  9. Keep birdfeeders suspended in a manner that is inaccessible to wildlife, and keep the ground under birdfeeders clear of seeds.
  10. Ensure your domestic animals, backyard hens and backyard bees are reasonably inaccessible to wildlife.

Last Updated on March 7, 2025.